
Name / nickname: EllaHardCockTS

Age: 29

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Dick size: BIG

Sexiness factor: 10/10

What she likes: Educated people, overall. People that know how to behave in front of beautiful tranny. People that love to play kinky games. People that are open to various things and like to be dominated.

Holy cow ! EllaHardCockTS is another trans sexual woman that we have here on TS Cams. Just like our other transvestite webcam girl, HarleyLadyTS, she also loves to dominate and humiliate her male and female customers. The thing is though, that EllaHardCockTS don’t like people, that don’t know how to behave, in other words, less educated people. If you are a normal person though, then you have nothing to worry about. She loves to chat and get horny on her private web cam with wicked guys. EllaHardCockTS has also beautiful red hair, and we all know that all redheads are kind of crazy… Just imagine her wearing lovely black panties, and hidden behind those panties…We all know what is there ;]

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